On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 13:24, Phalgun Guduthur
<phalgun.gudut...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> My name is Phalgun Guduthur, a 21 year old final year under grad majoring in
> Computer Science in PESIT, Bangalore India.
> I am interested in working on the Amarok GSoC idea 'Semantic Collection for
> Amarok'. I have been researching on this project for a few days now. I have
> had a few interactions with the mentor (Teo) to gain a clear understanding
> on the problem statement. I have had prior experience working with Nepomuk.
> More details on it can be found in the proposal.
> I have come up with a proposal and you can find it attached it to this
> mail.This is first rough draft of the proposal, so there are bound to be
> mistakes. Please let me know if I have made a blunder anywhere.
> I plan to come up with a patch in a few days. It will attached to the
> proposal when complete.
> Hope you find the time to review my proposal.

First of all, this is a very good proposal!
I've got a few observations/questions, you can incorporate the answers
in your proposal document.

* In our existing code it's called QueryMaker, not QueryManager.
* Is there a way to handle what in TagLib is extended metadata, such
as composer, disc number or albumartist? I think this is important.
* This is not required, but it would be cool if you could research a
bit how much of this work could also apply to an apparently
Nepomuk-compatible data store such as Tracker as well.
* Finally, a commit is a committment. Do you plan to keep working on
this project even after GSoC ends?

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