On Sun, Nov 18, 2012 at 10:30:11PM -0000, Matěj Laitl wrote:
> Well, the method is (and should only be) called by existing
> StatSyncing code

Then the existing code is the user of the API. The code exists, doesn't
mean it will stay unmodified for the rest of times.

> the "users" of the API would be implementers of StatSyncing::Provider,
> thus the docs are targeted towards them.

Implementers of Provider aren't "users" of API, but "implementers" of

> Well, I haven't tested that QNetworkReply works without an event loop,
> so perhaps it does matter. On the other hand, since the code emits the
> signal from other thread Qt::QueuedConnection is used implicitly and

You contradict yourself.

> I've dropped the Qt::QueuedConnection for your satisfaction. ;)

It's not for my satisfaction, it's for consistency. In similar parts
of the code you use different types of connections, for no reason.

> I believe that looping on isFinished() would be actually uglier,
> because waitForReadyRead() may fire multiple times and the Last.fm may
> require multiple requests.

It would be ugly, but I wouldn't say it would be uglier. But okay, I'll
take it.

> Plus the QSemaphore usage here is a clean producer-consumer pattern
> here, you must have learnt it in your CS class. Or perhaps not, but
> the code works well and IMO is not really convoluted, no motivation to
> change it on my side.

Well, if you document the diamond inheritance for people who have heard
first of it, you could've documented this "pattern" here as well.

Edward "Hades" Toroshchin
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