Seems a bit short notice (deadline is on June 9th), but if anybody has
time to invest...our Jamendo code could need an overhaul anyway :)

Regards, Myriam

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Stephen Judge <>
Date: Fri, May 31, 2013 at 11:45 PM
Subject: Enter the Jamendo Music Platform Developers Competition, Win USD1, 000


I wanted to let the developers of all the open source music players I
could find about the competition that the Jamendo music platform are
running to encourage development with their new 3.0 API. Unfortunately
I only found about about this competition today and the deadline is
June 9th. In case you are not aware, Jamendo is the leading music
platform for free Creative Commons music. Many media players already
integrate Jamendo or did in the past, however the new API may improve
upon or fix broken implementations. The prizes up for grabs are:

Jamendo Innovation Award:
 - Winner: USD1,000
 - Runner-up: USD500
Winners will be chosen by the Jamendo team.

Community Award sponsored by GitHub and 3scale
 - Winner: USD500 + a GitHub 2-year Medium plan (for a single winner)
or a 1 year Silver account (for a team)
 - Runner-up: USD500 + a Sonos Play:3 HiFi Player offered by 3scale
The winning app will be the most voted by the Jamendo users.

All the details are available here:

I am not at all associated with Jamendo other than being a supporter
of the platform love it when I find players that have built in Jamendo
support. Best of luck if you decide to enter and sorry if I am telling
you this to late.

Stephen Judge
Email: stephen [at]
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