On Sat, Jun 15, 2013 at 9:28 AM, Matěj Laitl <ma...@laitl.cz> wrote:
> On 15. 6. 2013 Myriam Schweingruber wrote:
>> * When using a double click I want a track to be added to the
>> playlists, but it should not start automatically, as this causes every
>> track I add to start automatically. This makes "creating" playlists a
>> real problem.
I disagree.  The semantic meaning of double clicking is generally
well-understood as activation.  That double-clicking doesn't
consistently start playing the selected track immediately is

>> * The track is not added at the bottom of the playlist but after the
>> last played one, which is not desired.
Coupled with the above, it should make more sense.  Immediate
activation implies an interruption in the current queue, not a
wholesale discarding of it.  Placing it at the end creates a sort of
"action at a distance" because it's less likely that there will be
immediate feedback that you've done anything.

>> * Middle click to add to playlist might work on some mouses, but I
>> just can't use that on my mouse which has a scroll pad, and our future
>> Mac users will get in even worse trouble than I am.
If you want to talk about how users use it, I've always used
drag-and-drop or the context menu's "append to playlist" depending on
whether I want it in a specific place or at the end.  Given the
confounding behaviour historically, I'm a little surprised to find
there are people who depend on the clicking, and consider it adequate
for constructing a playlist.

>> * We can't just throw over board the workflow, and an established way
>> to use Amarok since the 1.x times, this will make us loose users,
>> something we really don't want to.
This is a very strange argument to see come out now, of all times...

> Options for the "activate" (double or single click, per configuration, if we 
> so
> choose) action; feel free to suggest more:
> c) insert after currently playing, play the track(s) immediately. The new and
> controversial behaviour.
I think it's abundantly clear where I stand on this.  In terms of
least-surprise and immediacy of feedback, this is the only one that
makes real sense.  If I think of a fourth path, I'll be sure to
mention it.

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