Dear Amarok packagers,
here you can find the tarball for the Amarok 2.8 Beta release:

We plan to release the final about 3 weeks from now but please make
this available to users via a specialized beta channel if possible. We hope to 
get as much testers for this beta as possible.

Notable packaging changes since Amarok 2.7(.1):
 * Qt dependency was raised from 4.8.0 to 4.8.2
 * If compiled against pre-release of TagLib 1.9, Opus support is enabled
 * libmygpo-qt dependency raised from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7
 * TagLib (at least 1.7) is now mandatory, not optional

As usual, latest version of one of the maintained phonon backends (phonon-
vlc-0.6.2 or phonon-gstreamer-4.6.3) is strongly recommended for playback to 
function properly.

MD5Sum: 71b7d5949578bbc2365d0861126b38c0  amarok-2.7.90.tar.bz2
SHA1Sum: 98975dcb757d6d82dba93f808278e4ae1e863a78  amarok-2.7.90.tar.bz2

Documentation (9)
de es et nl pt pt_BR ru sv uk

Translations (34)
ca ca@valencia cs da de el es et eu fi fr ga gl hu it ja lt lv nb nl pl pt 
pt_BR ru sl sr sr@ijekavian sr@ijekavianlatin sr@latin sv tr uk zh_CN zh_TW

Thanks for packaging,
        Matěj Laitl on behalf of The Amarok Team

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