Hi Nitul Datt,

just putting a link here, so people don't have to guess what this is about:


On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 9:24 PM, Nitul Datt <nitul1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> My name is Nitul Datt and I am GSoC 14 aspirant. I am currently
> pursuing a bachelor's degree in IT from Panjab University.
> I have been browsing the amarok source code for a while now in
> addition to the wiki. I have also been keeping tabs on the mailing
> list.
> I recently came across a mail from another such aspirant, who was told
> to begin with a junior job. It is with this aim in mind, that I would
> like to begin with bug 300979, which deals with making the mainwindow
> fully navigable. I would like to know whether I can contribute to this
> bug.
> If so, I would be highly grateful for some assistance regarding the same.
> I shall be discussing my own ideas after a little research asap.

We would love to hear your ideas about how to implement this.

For everything else: please subscribe to the Amarok-devel@kde.org list
if you haven't done so already, and make sure you do read all the
documentation linked to from

Regards, Myriam

PS. also a recommended read is my blog about the subject:
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