> I started working on a QtScript service plugin to stream from SoundCloud
> (attached), but it seems that Amarok's QtScript API will not be enough
> to really make use of SoundCloud's features. Is it possible to add to
> Amarok's GUI outside of populating the collection pane or putting simple
> HTML in the the info or lyrics applets with QtScript?

First off, my apologies for the lack of much scripting documentation.
I never really managed to settle on a satisfactory solution, I'll try
taking care of it again in January. You actually can add create  and
add dockable widgets to the Amarok window. Here's an example:

var dock = new QDockWidget( "Scripted Dock" );
var list = new QListWidget();
dock.setWidget( list );
Amarok.Window.mainWindow.addDockWidget( Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea, dock );

You can file a feature request in the bugtracker for anything
necessary you think is missing, though again, I won't be able to do
much until January. You can, of course, contribute if you like.

Anmol Ahuja
Amarok-devel mailing list

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