
On 2015-08-30 02:07, Stefan Derkits wrote:
> amarok sql collection

Olivier and me narrowed down the problem why the sql collection & the
sql storage plugins were not buidling:

in StorageFactory.h

#define AMAROK_EXPORT_STORAGE( classname, libname ) \
    K_PLUGIN_FACTORY( factory, registerPlugin<classname>(); ) \
            K_EXPORT_PLUGIN( factory( "amarok_storage-" #libname ) )

1) no idea (after a bit of searching) where factory ever was defined
2) K_EXPORT_PLUGIN is deprecated and it seems the plugin system changed
also a bit

I found:
which explains what has to be changed.
The problem:

I've tried to change the macro to K_PLUGIN_FACTORY( classname,
registerPlugin<libname>(); ) and removed K_EXPORT_PLUGIN but that
doesn't work that easy.

K_PLUGIN_FACTORY declares and defines the factory, so we would need to
move all code from our init method into the second argument of the macro.

Or, as there anyways already is a base Plugin Factory, just remove the
usage of K_PLUGIN_FACTORY and move the few lines of Code into PluginFactory.


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