Sophos provided me a test build that supposedly will fix these problems,
but I don't have a Linux setup to test with. If you have a Linux install
that ran into these issues and would like to volunteer to test a possible
fix, please contact me off-list.


On Tue, 7 Jun 2005, Gary Windham wrote:

> I started digging into this problem after upgrading to Sophos 3.93 on our
> amavis servers the other day and getting bit. :)
> The problem is, as previously detailed, related to a pair of semaphores that
> the SAVI library creates upon initialization.  The problem is two-fold:
> 1.  If the SAVI initialization function is called by root, the forked
> Net::Server process (and children) will not be able to access the semaphores
> if amavisd later switches to a less-privileged user.  This can be circumvented
> by starting the amavisd process as the less-privileged user (via 'su') or by
> passing the '-u' option to amavisd to invoke "early" dropping of privileges.
> 2.  The semaphores created by SAVI are destroyed upon invocation of the SAVI
> "Terminate" function.  This function is called by SAVI-Perl in the
> SAVI::Handle::DESTROY() method.  Since the SAVI handle is initialized in the
> initial parent process, and all the children inherit this handle, any time a
> child process dies (i.e., after $max_requests) the SAVI::Handle::DESTROY()
> method is invoked, and the semaphores go bye-bye.  I kludged together a
> workaround for this, by having amavisd set a variable ($terminateOk) in the
> SAVI:: namespace.  The SAVI-Perl module will then check this variable in the
> DESTROY method and decide whether or not to call the SAVI terminate function.
> I'm sure this isn't the most elegant solution, but it seems to work around
> the problem.
> You can find patches for SAVI-Perl-0.30 and amavisd-new-2.3.2-pre1 here:
>  If anyone is interested
> in cleaning this up and incorporating it into amavisd-new, that would be
> terrific.

Paul B. Henson  |  (909) 979-6361  |
Operating Systems and Network Analyst  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
California State Polytechnic University  |  Pomona CA 91768

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