
> I have Postfix with Amavis and Clamav, and I´d like to use Spamassassin.
> Amavis and Clamav work fine with Postfix, but I don´t know how should I
> configure Spamassassin to work with Amavis, Clamav and Postfix.
> My master.cf includes the following:
> Please tell me if this configuration could work for using spamassassin, or
> how should I try. Or if there's any problem that I could face using this
> configuration.

Your Postfix setup is just fine. Install SA (no need to start spamd process),
remove the line @bypass_spam_checks_maps=(1) from your amavisd.conf,
and this is pretty much it.

It is useful to start amavisd with SA for the first time as:  amavisd debug-sa
and see if there are any obvious complaints from SA during startup. Other
than that, the usual SA instructions apply, like: man Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf
and its config file, usually in /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf

If you run any SA commands manually (like: spamassassin --lint
or: sa-learn --force-expire --sync), make sure you do it as the same user
the amavisd process is running under.

Note that your resource usage (CPU and memory) will go up significantly.


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