Matt wrote:

>> $final_virus_destiny      = D_DISCARD;
>> $final_banned_destiny     = D_PASS;
>> $final_spam_destiny       = D_PASS;
>> $final_bad_header_destiny = D_PASS;
>> ....

> Gary,

> Thanks for the reply.  I believe i want to discard viruses, and just tag 
> everything else in headers and deliver it to the user.  When it gets 
> delivered to the user, I'll parse the header for amavisd and then decide 
> where to deliver the message.

> Hence, I do not wish to use ANY of the build in quarantines, so is it safe 
> to disable all of them?
> thanks,
> Regards, Matt

Because you are using D_PASS, yes; and in your case, you may not want
to defang banned files either.
$defang_banned = 0;

With defanging of banned files, the recipient would get the original
mail wrapped into an attachment with the body of the message stating:
"WARNING: contains banned part"

In fact, in your case it would be more efficient to simply
bypass banned and bad_header checks for all recipients:

@bypass_banned_checks_maps = (1);
@bypass_header_checks_maps = (1);

This would suit your purpose better for these two types of files.

Gary V

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