Hi all,

OK, I think I've made a final decision on what I'd like to do.

I think I'm going to setup two of the 1U boxes we have (the 3.06 ghz machines with IDE drives). I'm going to call one "relay1" and one "relay2".

I'm going to setup MX records for the 500+ domains we have. Half of them will have relay1 as their primary and half of them will have relay2 as their primary. The remaining server will be set as secondary MX.

These two 1U boxes will be IDENTICAL and have support for ALL domains. Upon processing of spam and antivirus, each box will then relay the mail directly to the mail server. All the mail server will do is receive the processed emails and deliver them.

The reason I decided this is for a few reasons:

1) Tonight I upgraded nss_ldap on the mail server and I messed some stuff up bad (it worked on the testing box, btw). It took me 20 minutes to fix it.

2) Mail processing is easy. Spam and antivirus processing is a bit more complicated process. Since I'll have two boxes doing the processing, I can easily take one of the boxes down if something goes wrong (IE, I can take relay1 down at anytime, and relay2 will still function for all mail because of backup MX records).

3) It takes the load off the mail server and "uncomplicates" things. If something on the mail server breaks, I'll have to figure out whether its the LDA, MTA, amavisd, spamd, or antivirus, or even LDAP. Now, I divide it up a bit to make things easier.

Please let me know what all of you think about this final idea. In the end it leaves me with a three server setup but at least things will be a bit more spread out, and I'll have nice backup processing servers.



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