Our stats (last 24 hrs - average)

Passed 13499 (below 3.5)
Passed SPAM 4465 (below 6.9)
Banned 5
Infected 568
SPAM 23541

Server 2 is approx. the same numbers

Both boxes are Pentium 4 2.0 GHZ with 2 GB RAM and 2x80 GB IDE drives.

We use sendmail-dual setup, spamassassin (no razor), clamav, uvscan and under redhat 3ES. And note that this is not tuned at all - in fact I wish I could switch to Postfix (maybe some day)

No problems whatsoever (very rarely a process would hung, but amavis-nanny takes care of it)...

Users are about 6K - but these are not the mail servers...

My .02...

Matt Juszczak wrote:

All of your suggestions have been great. Thank you.

My only concern is this....

If I were to setup another server, that server would be a single 3.06 ghz machine with 1 GB RAM and IDE drives. The current server is dual 3.06 ghz 4 GB RAM with SCSI drives and RAID.

So my choice is either to keep the virus filtering on a dual 3.06 ghz with 4 GB RAM and SCSI, with Local Delivery of mail as well, or move it to another server thats single 3.06 ghz, 1 GB RAM, IDE drives, but with no local delivery.

Theoretically, there wont be much disk activity on the spam gateway if I do decide to move it because I'm not quarantining anything, its just a pass back.



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org:Rider University
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