Sure enough....

# Amavis stuff

All I have to have are the first two lines, correct? :)

On Sat, 10 Sep 2005, Gary V wrote:

Matt wrote:

The question is, why is spamd in use? Typically SpamAssassin is called
by amavisd-new and therefore only your vscan user would use

Maybe the spamd user isn't in use.  I know it exists in /etc/passwd (was
created by the port), but I just assumed that the following log messages
were coming from the spamd process which was being run as the spamd

But the spamd daemon should not be running on a system where
amavisd-new calls spamassassin. In a typical amavisd-new environment
there is no reason to start spamd. The error is caused by a process
that should not be running.

Sep  9 18:56:23 relay3 spamd[491]: razor2 check skipped: No such file or 
directory Can't read conf file: /var/amavis/.razor/razor-agent.conf
Sep  9 18:57:58 relay3 spamd[490]: razor2 check skipped: No such file or 
directory Can't read conf file: /var/amavis/.razor/razor-agent.conf
Sep  9 19:03:02 relay3 spamd[553]: razor2 check skipped: No such file or 
directory Can't read conf file: /var/amavis/.razor/razor-agent.conf

Otherwise, why wouldn't it be able to access the file?  Below is proof
that something is up....

relay1# sudo -H -u vscan head -1 /var/amavis/.razor/razor-agent.conf
relay1# sudo -H -u spamd head -1 /var/amavis/.razor/razor-agent.conf
head: /var/amavis/.razor/razor-agent.conf: Permission denied

This is a good thing. Users other than the amavisd-new user (and root)
should not have access to files in the /var/amavis directory. The
/var/amavis directory is 0750, so others cannot read. You don't want
to open up permissions on the whole tree. The /var/amavis and
/var/amavis/.razor directories would have to be something like 0755 to
allow access. Don't do that.

The vscan user can access the file fine, while the spamd user can't....
Is something up with the port thats calling spamd as the spamd user?

Possibly the only thing wrong with the port is it is starting the
spamd daemon. If I am not mistaken, you are running FreeBSD, so I
think you would take a look in /etc/rc.conf to see if it is enabled.


So, you could add the spamd user to the amavis group, but like I said,
most likely the spamd daemon should not even be running, so there really
is no reason to. You are chasing a problem that can be solved by simply
not running spamd.

The other option, as I stated, is to remove:
razor_config /var/amavis/.razor/razor-agent.conf
from, then give the spamd user its own set of razor files.

If it is indeed 'spamd' who is the user running the spamd daemon, you could
either copy the .razor directory and files to spamd's home directory,
then chown them to the spamd user, or create a new set of razor files:

sudo -H -u spamd razor-admin -create
sudo -H -u spamd razor-admin -register

then edit spamd's .razor/razor-agent.conf file and set:
debuglevel = 0

Gary V

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