> I need a program that can analyze three separate mail logs 
> (one from relay1, one from relay2, and one from relay3) and 
> generate statistics on them.
> I know there was an amavis program that is no longer 
> maintained, and someone sent me a patched version of 
> something which I couldn't get working.  Is there a good log 
> analyzer out there?  I don't necessarilly need graphs, just 
> statistics (1000 spam messages blocked, 25 passed, etc. 
> etc.)
> Any ideas would be appreciated :) Thanks!

Its not clear exactly what statistics you are looking for, nor what scripts
you have rejected, but the amavis script that comes for the latest versions
of logwatch does some simple stats.  I created a patch that produced a
couple of the lines - I don't recall if that has yet been merged into the
logwatch stream.  If this is what you want, and your lines took differently,
let me know off list and I'll send the patch to you.  Example below

 --------------------- amavis Begin ------------------------ 

 9229 messages checked and passed.
 37 virus infected messages were found.
 998 spam messages were found.
 947 DSNs intentionally not sent (spam level exceeds DSN cutoff level).
 928 messages destined for quarantine intentionally not quarantined (spam
level exceeds quarantine cutoff level).
 Viruses Detected:
    HTML.Phishing.Pay-35: 1 Times(s)  From:
       [EMAIL PROTECTED] [xx.97.189.220]  1 Time(s)

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