ty den 11.10.2005 Klokka 14:41 (-0400) skreiv Pierre Girard:

> I run 2 rigs, Postfix 2.1.5 (1150 users) and 2.2.5 (test/semi-
> production, 4 users). Both run amavisd-new for virus scanning (Sophos
> SAV) and neither run SpamAssassin. Both run dspam 3.6 (beta/CVS) as
> daemon and both (MySQL 4.0.20 backend), running as shared groups, have a
> 99+% recognition and filtering over a long time.

I'm thinking of installing dspam here but i just started looking into it. At the moment we're running amavis with 2 virus scanners as well as spamassassin but i'd like to add dspam directly and train it before disabling spamassassin from amavis (assuming it works well but your case seems to indicate that with proper training it would).

Did you have any special configuration for your setup or just following the installation instructions for dspam/postfix sufficient?

I'd also like to have a global dspam, not a per user one, can i setup one global email address for spam and on for ham where everyone can forward their email to?

How I do things you can find at: http://www.billy.demon.nl/Postfix-


Search for "group" on it. I use a shared group for all users,
groupname:shared:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Likely this might not suit your purpose,
since the setup means that whatever any group member judges as
spam/nonspam affects the rest of the group (i.e. everyone). However,
other group configurations are possible; I'm still experimenting.

Follow ups to the dspam list, not this list ;)




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