
> I'm currently using Amavisd-new 2.3.0 along with Postfix 2.1.5 and all is
> working wonderfully.  For some time now we have been using postfix's
> always_bcc option to keep copies of all mail which comes out the other end
> of Amavis clean (so to speak).  However due to a shift in policy we are now
> required to keep a copy of all messages hitting our gateway machine
> regardless of whether it is spam, ham or a virus.  How can I get the
> always_bcc option to take place before messages are passed to Amavis for
> processing?
> Does anyone have any experience of setting this up with postfix?  I've been
> reading the docs but can't seem to get the desired behaviour.

always_bcc option is interpreted by a postfix cleanup service,
so if you need different setting of always_bcc before and after
a content filter (e.g. enabled before, disabled after), you need
two cleanup services. See README.postfix in the amavisd-new docs,
search for 'always_bcc'.

Another option is to let amavisd do the quarantining of all mail.
Search for: $which_section = "aux_quarantine";
in file amavisd, you can add there additional calls to
do_quarantine or uncomment one of the provide examples.
With 2.4.0 there will likely be a config option to simplify
quarantining of ham mail.


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