Heute (11.02.2006/05:15 Uhr) schrieb Gary V ([EMAIL PROTECTED]),

> Jim wrote:

>>> If you want to install a CPAN module in the old version, be explicit
>>> and start cpan with that version of Perl:

>>> /usr/bin/perl -MCPAN -e shell

>>> So, you can solve your immediate problem in one of two ways. You can
>>> install (or force install) Net::Server 0.90 from CPAN into your 5.8.1
>>> version of Perl by explicitly using that version.

>> puuuh, this was the solution. Thank you very much, Gary and Dale.
>> :) But the question is: by which did that come so simply? simply
>> in such a way?

> Not as simple as you might think...
> The only way I could know this was to install Perl from source on a
> test system, then see if I was able to install modules back to the old
> version. I can tell you having two versions of Perl has broken my
> ability to install some Perl modules from apt-get on a Debian system,
> I see no reason for it not to do the same on SuSE. Now, just for fun,
> I'm trying to get amavisd-new running using the newer version of Perl.
> Here we go, after a (frustrating) hour and a half of installing modules
> it finally came up on Perl 5.8.8.  :)

> Oops, can't find razor2 modules, guess I'll have to install it from source.
> Yep, that worked, of course it ignored the packaged version because
> that version is installed in the old version of Perl.

> So, I can install from CPAN to the old version, and I can install some
> modules (but not others) from packages to the old system. If I install
> from source, it installs in the new version. In general the whole thing
> is pretty iffy.

pretty iffy *bg* A nice word

>  I wouldn't wish it on an enemy, much less a friend.

ACK, it`s true. Thanks again

> Gary V

Viele Gruesse, Kind regards,
 Jim Knuth
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