
> I'd like to create rule for my amavisd-new with foillowing checks:
> - if sender IP is localhost (
> - if sender is apache or [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mail is sent from PHP using mail()
> function)
> - X-Client-IP extra header must exists else reject message
> - if X-Client-IP exists, check if IP is in RBL spammers database, if is
> reject otherwise pass
> - check content of message (forward to spamassassin)

There are several mechanisms in Postfix, in amavisd-new and in SpamAssassin,
each can take care of some of your requirements, but as a whole I don't
see a simple solution to your needs. Perhaps I don't understand how
your rules are supposed to be chained together (AND / OR / elseif ?)

It looks you have a webmailer on which is sending its mail
with a fixed sender address, and such mail should be passed unchecked.
This is best achieved by adding a dedicated instance of a smtpd service
in Postfix (master.cf),  which chould only accept mail from
(or just bind to a loopback interface only), have disabled content_filter
and permit only certain sender addresses, rejecting the rest. This is a
rather basic Postfix setup question. Your webmail should then submit
its mail only to this dedicated smtpd service (either on a nonstandard
TCP port or on a dedicated alias IP address, separate from other smtpd

For a missing X-Client-IP header you could add SpamAssassin rules
(e.g. add score 20 to all messages, and a score of -20 to messages
that contain X-Client-IP header).

The hardest part is to extract an IP address from X-Client-IP header
and use it in RBL checks. I believe SA already does a decent job
of finding the client IP address from Received headers, provided
you configure its trusted_networks and internal_networks settings


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