
I'm not sure whether this is an amavis or SA question, but here goes.

The setup we have uses exim, amavisd-new, SA, razor, which is extremely reliable
and catches most of the spam we recieve, though still misses the occassional

Much of the spam we recieve concerns certain perscription pills, together with
increases in desire etc etc...  just usual spam email really.   Most of the
time, the subject header of spam emails contains words that will never appear
in our legitimate emails - examples being 'pharmaceutical', 'sexual', 'rolex'. 
The very presence of these words is (in our case) indicative of UBE.

Whilst I could add spamassassin rules matching on these and other 'banned'
words, this system also processes mail for other customers who may not wish the
same restrictions to be applied to their email, though they may have other words
that they know will not be present in their regular email.

What I'd like to do is to be able to match particular subject words against a
per-user sql blacklist, which would then trigger the spam actions to be taken,
purely by the presence of a trigger word in the subject header.  Of course, I
realise that it would not catch disguised words - those with 'O' replaced by
'0' for example, though I can see it cutting down on much of our spam.  A
number of commercial systems I have see incorporate this feature.

Customers could then login to the control panel system and nominate their own
trigger words, which would then be applied to their domains only.

Has anybody else considered such a system?  Any advice on how to go about
implementing it?  Any general comments?




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