Thanks Gary,

I have put

bayes_auto_expire 0

in /etc/mail/spamassassin/ file

and I have scheduled the following cronjob:

40 4 * * * sa-learn --sync --force-expire

for amavis user..

Please, let me know if there's something wrong..



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gary V" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: [AMaViS-user] About SA...

> Rocco wrote:
> > Hello Gary,
> > is a few mounths that I use amavisd-new/spamassassin with DB.
> > Really, It's happening that the data size become huge.. I have executed
> > syncs/ force expire option for sa-learn.. I execute the dump-magic
> > here the output before and after launching the commands:
> > av3:~ # sa-learn -u amavis --dump magic
> > 0.000          0     474911          0  non-token data: ntokens
> > av3:~ # sa-learn -u amavis --dump magic
> > av3:~ # su amavis -c 'sa-learn --sync --force-expire'
> > expired old bayes database entries in 29 seconds
> > 358017 entries kept, 117564 deleted
> > token frequency: 1-occurrence tokens: 65.41%
> > token frequency: less than 8 occurrences: 20.88%
> > av3:~ # sa-learn -u amavis --dump magic
> > 0.000          0     360606          0  non-token data: ntokens
> > It's all OK or somethings does not work?
> Looks OK. You need to set up this up:
> > su amavis -c 'sa-learn --sync --force-expire'
> in a cron job so it runs once each day. You should have been doing
> this all along.
> > Moreover, I have seen that the ntokens is much more the number you said
> > below.. [160,000] How I have to do?
> Run it each day, the number should eventually drop.
> > Thanks,
> > rocsca
> See:
> "bayes_expiry_max_db_size (default: 150000)
> What should be the maximum size of the Bayes tokens database?
> When expiry occurs, the Bayes system will keep either 75% of
> the maximum value, or 100,000 tokens, whichever has a larger value.
> 150,000 tokens is roughly equivalent to a 8Mb database file."
> I am quoting myself here:
> "A couple of things
> that are typically recommended for busy servers are to move Bayes to
> SQL, and to disable opportunistic bayes_auto_expire, then set up a
> cron job (as your vscan user) to 'sa-learn --sync --force-expire'
> Bayes tokens once each day during your slowest period. Just make sure
> your cron job actually works, or your Bayes files will grow forever."
> Gary V
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