On Mar 4, 2006, at 07:15 , Peter Huetmannsberger wrote:

Do you mean you get a report but with all zero counts, or literally no
output whatsoever?


after playing around all morning I got results in the shape of rrd files in the right directory, but now I get an rrdtool eror (not the 127 but a 1). I am using rrdtool-1.2.12 and amavis-stats 0.1.21.

Another question. What do you suggest to do about the permissions.

Senmail creates logfiles with root:mail amavis runs as amavis and is member of the group mail. apache runs as nobody (and I can't possibly add nobody to the group mail). If I create the rrd files as amavis, apache can't read them, if I create them as nobody, the maillog files can't be read. Any good ideas?

Consider logging amavisd-new to a seperate file instead of sysloging to the mail log.

If the amavis-stats daemon is running as the apache user, it should have read access to the amavisd-new or mail log files, this should resolve the permission issue.





-- Dale

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