Hi all,

Quoting Milton Cyrus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Has anyone tried multiple Amavisd-new instances storing data in one
> mysql database.. I am working on a setup like this and just wanted to
> know if it would fly..

I've got exactly this running happily at the moment.  Two amavis/exim/SA servers
are pointed to one central MySql server.  Both exim mail routing and SA bayes
use mysql - and we are using Linux/HA between the two servers for failover.

It has been running quite happily for the past 4 months handling around 600
messages/day with no problems to report.

Two good points you make:

>         1: is "mail_id" Unique -- and what happens if amavisd-new tries to
> store a message in de DB and there's allready a message with that
> mail_id

I've assumed that there is enough entropy in the mail_id generation routine that
this isn't a problem.  mail_id is also set as a primary key - therefore has to
be unique within the msgs table.  MySql will throw an error if you try to add a
second message with the same mail_id.

Without looking at the code, I don't know how this is handled internally within
amavis - ie whether a check is done before an insert occurs.  Mark or someone
will be able to confirm this.

>         2. run-time collisions when adding entries to MADDR,

Each message insert locks the maddr table - meaning that there is no chance of a
collision happening at this level. Only one message can access the table at a
time - other transactions get queued and have to wait their turn.  There is no
possible way for a collision to happen.  The id field is also acting as primary
key - meaning that no two recipients can have the same id value.

My 2c


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