Henrik Krohns wrote:
> Maybe this is a bit offtopic, but why does everyone insist on using RPM/DEB
> whatever packages for everything?

> In my humble opinion, amavisd-new/spamassassin is much easier to handle when
> you compile own perl instance to /usr/local/perl. You can update it or your
> system as much as you want, and you know they wont break each other. I've
> never had any problems this way.

For me it is /way/ faster using "yum install" (including dependency
resolution!) than installing everything by hand.

Second, upgrading is easier (yum update) if the packager did his/her
job well. And since most packagers know the software much better than
I do (which is the case for 99,9% of all programs), they will prevent
me from doing anything bad. I don't have to monitor all the lists to
be notified when a security hole appears, I just do regular "yum

Third, when using CentOS/RHEL I get security updates for several years
(RHEL: 7 years). Just being able to update my system in order to be
"secure" saves so much time! Of course this is point is not valid for
software from repositories such as DAG, Dries etc. as they don't have
the resources to backport all fixes and do thorough quality
assurance but I can stay with my version of Perl for example.

Using RPMs as much as possible means that I only have to care about
five custom software packages for my servers (custom Exim, DSPAM,
Bacula with special options, my own web application and soon
amavisd-new because I need DSPAM-integration).

And even this software is packaged with RPM as this eases quality
assurance for me (the version/configuration installed on the servers
is the same as I had on my test system - less possibilities to forgot
one or two commands which may cause errors later).

Oh, and last but not least RPMs ease automatic software distribution
between several machines (private repository with the latest validated
software versions), clients just do "yum -y update" so they are always
up to date.


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