
> mmh, I get these errors tonight in my log (logcheck):
> Mar 21 02:16:39 server2 amavis[7211]: (07211-09) (!) sql rollback
> error, reconnecting (DBD::mysql::db rollback failed: Warnung: Das
> Rollback konnte bei einigen Tabellen, die nicht mittels
> Transaktionen ge\344ndert wurden, nicht ausgef\374hrt werden. at
> (eval 39) line 95, <GEN8> line 1826.)
> amavis[7211]: (07211-09) (!!) ERROR sql_storage: too many retries on
> storing final --snap

This part hasn't changed since 2.3.3. My guess is that your SQL server
was very busy at the time (perhaps doing a cleanup on SQL log database,
or Bayes auto-expiry), so that transactions failed. Admittedly the
diagnostics is inappropriate: during a recovery operation a rollback
failed because we were not in the middle of transaction; instead of
reporting an original problem, a secondary problem was reported.

I'll change this a bit so that rollback won't be attempted when
and error occurs outside of transaction. Will be in -rc2, whenever
that might be. Thanks for a report.


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