Mark Martinec a écrit :
> mouss,
>>a quick test resulted in an error:
>>Mar 21 00:28:39 ouzoud amavis[8008]: (08008-01) (!!) TROUBLE in
>>check_mail: parts_decode_ext FAILED: parsing file(1) results - missing
>>last 1 results at (eval 44) line 154.
>>This is on a NetBSD 3.0_RC5 (the file command is the one supplied by the
>>system).  amavisd-new 2.3.3 works.
>>did the interface with the file command changed or am I just too tired
>>and need some sleep?
>>(unfortunately, I can't continue the tests or look for more infos).
> Get some sleepy, but then I would appreciate your help if this is indeed
> specific to NetBSD.  It does work on FreeBSD, Linux and Solaris though.
> The interface to external commands hasn't changed, although the
> handling of file descriptors in sub run_command has changed
> to accommodate new behaviour of Net::Server 0.91, which
> uses dup(2) instead of a reference to a file handle for STDIN
> and STDOUT, causing a little havoc in the way file descriptors
> were handled previously up to and including amavisd-new-2.3.3.
> In certain cases (like when DSPAM is called) the sub run_command
> may request opening a file handle on an existing fd0: "&=0".
> This would call an underlying fdopen - which could lead to OS-specific
> problems.
> In sub run_command you may move close_log() further down
> to just before 'exec', and insert some calls to do_log there
> if suspects are file descriptors (it may now happen that a file handle
> gets a fd0 on open). You may want to try with Net::Server 0.90
> and with 0.91 (or later).
> A problem may certainly be more mundane than the above theory.

I still didn't find out the reason, but one thing is that I missed a
"STDIN is not fd0" logs. I'll try with a more recent version of
Net::Server (I'm using 0.88). I'm not sure this is the real reason,
since it works with 2.3.3 and as far as I've seen, "that" code didn't
change. also the fact that it works on freebsd means I have something
wrong (thoug I have nothing special). I will continue investigating, but
something tells me that the problem is really mine and not related to

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