
Mark Martinec wrote:
Apr 11 13:49:04 isis.eng.fsu.edu /usr/local/sbin/amavisd[8984]:
Net::Server: Starting "1" children

Most weird. Between "creating file" and returning a SMTP status
there is hardly any significant processing going on.
If policy bank MYNETS exists and @mynetworks_maps is defined
there would be a call to lookup_ip_acl() with its own log entry,
and after that a lookup on sender address against @debug_sender_maps.

I don't define MYNETS or debug_sender_maps. I just took the amavisd.conf-sample and set hostname, domain, Postfix MTA, ClamAV, logging, policy for SPAM=PASS, and set banned to warn sender/receiver. That's about it. Everything else I left as-is.

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