
> > > Did you checked your permissions on /tmp?
> > > Kenneth Oncinian indicated [1] that setting correct permissions for
> > > /tmp fixed a problem with the same error message.
> > >
> > > [1] http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=12721999

> the orig rights on /var/amavis/tmp are:
> drwxr-x---  1239 amavis amavis 69632 Apr 22 19:40 tmp
> I changed this to 1777 (chmod 1777 /var/amavis/tmp) for testing, amavisd
> and postfix restarted but the same problem.

Please read again, check the /tmp, not /var/amavis/tmp !

The /tmp should be r+w for anyone, with a sticky bit set, owned by root.

The  /var/amavis/tmp should be owned by vscan, with r+w access only to user 
vscan (or to a group vscan, if you prefer).


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