Benedict wrote:

> Is it possible to have the banned contents email in a separate file so that 
> it can be edited easily?

Yes, see amavisd.conf-sample and README.customize.
I assume you are talking about template-virus-sender.txt that notifies
the sender (banned and virus). Here is a sample for 2.4.1:

What version are you running? I ask because I have a lot of the
templates already broken out.

> Also is it possible to add a disclaimer to all out bound mail, or is that out 
> as a matter of policy?

If you use Postfix, you may be able to dig through this thread for
ideas (and documentation) on how to set up and use altermime for outgoing mail.
It is rough, and could probably be done in a better manner.

> Kind regards
> Benedict White

Gary V

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