Gary wrote:

> Bill wrote:

>> We have a problem that we are trying to resolve but are having no luck.

>> Currently we are using Amavisd-new 2.4.1 which we recently upgraded to.
>>  Along with that we upgraded Postfix and ClamAV.  Amavis was an in place 
>> upgrade from 2.3.1 and not a fresh install.

>> Since upgrading, any virus that is detected by ClamAV and is being
>> tagged but not dropped as it had been in 2.3.1.  Here is the meat of the 
>> current config:

> I took your configuration (and added other items needed to get it to
> run on my system) and I got 'Blocked INFECTED' every time I sent the
> virus through. Can you elaborate on what is meant by
> 'tagged'? Are you referring to 'Passed INFECTED' or notification you
> may have received or something else?  Have you tried to revert to the
> old $final_destiny variables (which can still be used in place of
> %final_destiny_by_ccat variables) and if so, did the result change?

BTW, if you are using to test with, clamav will not detect
it, but it will detect or or the eicar
test string as the very first thing in a message body.

Gary V

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