On Thu, Jun 22, 2006 at 12:39:35PM +0200, Mark Martinec wrote:


thanks for all the Useful Info, but I'm still having trouble with

> > And also, how do I use amavisd-release when the quarantine 
> > directory is hashed into subdirs?
> > I keep getting errors whether I use the 
> > complete file name, the file name relative to $quarantine_base,
> Should work out of the box. The argument to amavisd-release
> should be the exact string that is also logged as a quarantine location:
> (83682-08-2) Blocked SPAM, [...] ... <...> -> <...>,
>   quarantine: spam/h/hiXE2fSV2X6y.gz, ...
>               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> and is also stored in SQL (if enabled), field msgs.quar_loc .

 # amavisd-release Y/spam-Y5y7A3J5r2Ax.gz
 Invalid quarantine file name: Y/spam-Y5y7A3J5r2Ax.gz at
 /usr/local/sbin/amavisd-release line 145.

and the file exists:

# ls -l /quarantine/virusmails/Y/spam-Y5y7A3J5r2Ax.gz
-rw-r-----    1 amavis   amavis      29786 Jul 10 16:19 

at line 145 of amavisd-release, is

$mail_file =~ m{^ ([^/].+/)? ([A-Z0-9_-]*)
                ([A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9+-]{10}[A-Z0-9]) (\.gz)? \z}xsi
  or die "Invalid quarantine file name: $mail_file"; 

which I read as 
  - optionally, start with a non-slash character, followed by one or more
        characters, followed by "/" (doesn't match "Y/", but would match any 
        more than one character long)
  - then zero or more alphanumeric characters (including _-)
  - Then a 12-char filename, of which the first and last cannot be "_" or "-"
  - Then an optional ".gz"

If I change the first part of the pattern to "([^/]+/)?" then release works 
for quarantine IDs matching my pattern.


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