Hi Mark,

> This one-liner is pretty much equivalent of what is going on within  
> amavisd:
> perl -MIO::File -e '$f=IO::File->new("0.lis","+>",0640) or die $!;
>   printf("%s\n",join(",",PerlIO::get_layers($f))); print $f "\344 
> \366\374\n";
>   $f->flush or die $!; $f->seek(0,0) or die $!; $n=$f->read($b,99);
>   print "$n, $b\n"; $w=syswrite(STDOUT,$b,$n)'

It worked as you described, no problem with that one liner. (it stays  

(see test.out)

I then encapsulated your while loop (inside amavid-new) for Net::SMTP- 
 >datasend and put a copy of the data to a new file, guess what that  
worked too.. so I think the conversion happens inside Net::SMTP. So I  
went inside SMTP, setting the debug STDERR to a file, and again  
everything worked fine. I think this will be a very deep bug, at  
Socket handle level or something, setting binary mode like there is  
no tomorrow didn't help and right now I'm at the verge of giving up.  

(see net_smtp.log for net_smtp debug)

Now the only thing I'd is proof in a small scale, do you know how to  
create or where to find a minimalistic mailserver which can be  
accessed via Net::SMTP to proof the encoding bug? (one liner  
mailserver? :)) If not I'll dump my whole vserver and create a new  
one and hope everything works.

Thx for everything so far.

Alexander Schäfer

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