Gary wrote:

> Tom wrote:

>> On Tue, 22 Aug 2006, Gary V wrote:

>>> > FWIW, amavisd/spamassassin caught and either blocked or flagged 125,667 
>>> > SPAM messages in 13 hours.
>>> I'm curious, is 250,000 (accepted) msgs/day normal traffic for you or
>>> are you getting hit with a substantial dictionary attack like some
>>> others? Do you reject mail to invalid recipients? What is your system
>>> load and available memory like? Are you swap thrashing? Just wondering
>>> if you need a bigger boat and/or you are wasting what resources you
>>> have on traffic you should be rejecting.
>>> Gary V

>> Hi Gary,

>> We've had a pretty large amount of spam traffic for the last couple of 
>> years. Right now it's getting larger all the time. Makes you wonder about 
>> the viability of email down the road.

>> CPU loads run in the .85 to 1.40 (under heavy load), swap isn't being 
>> used, and there is always at least 50% available memory.

>> I'm in a budget crunch and sort of have to make do. We've thought about 
>> filtering certain IP blocks at our edge router, but that idea is not very 
>> attractive to me. I'd rather find the real culprits, tie them naked to the 
>> back bumper of an air-conditioned car out in the middle of the desert and 
>> have someone drive about 5mph while I look at them out of the back window 
>> (drinking an ice-cold beer).

>> Tom

> That sounds like it is well under control as far utilization goes. If
> fact, your system may be underutilized. If you have 50% unused memory,
> you might increase the number of amavisd-new process ($max_servers and
> complimentary maxproc for the smtp-amavis transport). I would try to
> get closer to 75% unused memory. I think this would improve throughput.
> What is your $max_servers at now? How much memory does a typical
> amavisd process use? If you were running at 50MB per process, and you
> had 400MB to play with, I would increase the number by 4 or 5, wait a
> while (maybe an hour), and see where you are at again.

Sorry, I was trying to say 25% unused, 75% used.

Gary V

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