Hello folks:


I just finished a fresh installation of OpenBSD and attempted at creating a spam server as directed by: http://flakshack.com/anti-spam/wiki/index.php?page=FairlySecureAntiSpamWikiPrintView


I followed all the steps letter by letter and performed the tests that the walkthrough asks you to do as you are installing and configuring the software. The problem is that at the end I wanted to see if I could test the installation and I did the following:


I wanted to create a message that failed a SpamAssassin/amavis test, so I created a file called test.vbs and added the following lines:




sSubject = "This is a test message"

sMTA_IP_Address = "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"

sMessage = "This is a test message with the following word to trigger the spam flag: myspamtest12341234."


Set objCDO = CreateObject("CDO.Message")

objCDO.From = sFrom

objCDO.To = sTo

objCDO.Subject = sSubject

objCDO.HTMLBody = sMessage


objCDO.Configuration.Fields.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2

objCDO.Configuration.Fields.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = sMTA_IP_Address

objCDO.Configuration.Fields.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 25




Set objCDO = nothing


Then edited the /var/amavisd/etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf file:


body LOCAL_TEST1 /myspamtest12341234/

describe LOCAL_TEST1 This is a unique phrase to trigger a positive score

score LOCAL_TEST1 50

After editing the file and restarting amavisd, simply put the phrase "myspamtest12341234" in text of the message above and it should read as SPAM.


The problem is that the message is not being stopped, it still goes through the filters. Is there anything that I perhaps forgot to turn on? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanx!



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