I'm in the process of updating our amavis and spamassassin environ-
ment to 2.4.4 / 3.1.7.  Unfortunately, I don't seem to be able to
cope with the following problem:

        X-Spam-Report header is not in the format needed
        -> spamassassin's report template is not used

Spamassassin's local.cf defines a report template:
        report speciala
        report _SUMMARY_
        report specialb

Running "spamassassin -t -x testmailfile" outputs the X-Spam-Report
header with the expected format.

-> SA config seems to be okay!

Running amavis/spamassassin outputs the X-Spam-Report header(*),
but it is not in the format given in local.cf / got when running
spamassassin directly:

Now it is always like...

X-Spam-Report: *  0.3 IAI_00055 BODY: about.the.company
        *  0.2 IAI_00138 BODY: indicative of future resu|ts

... which might be the default format. The template lines
speciala and specialb are missing.

As I'm using those special rules (IAI_xxxxx) in this local.cf file
it is for sure that it is read by amavis/spamassassin.

-> amavis overwrites the report template ?

I'm no perl user but I have checked the amavis script and the config
file to no avail.  I'm not able to find a line supporting the theory
about overwriting local.cf's report config definition.

If anyone is using amavis 2.4.4 (or 2.4.3) and spamassassin 3.1.7
with a special report template I would be happy to get to know if
it is working or not.  I would be even more happy if someone could
indicate what might be the problem.,-)

Thanks in advance, ws

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