> I think you meant Spamassassin (3.0.3-2sarge). It certainly looks
> like SA is the problem. Are you using SQL for Bayes and AWL? This
> helps with file locking issues (and is faster).

No Bayes or AWL setup yet.  We're in a multi-user environment and from
what I understand AWL and Bayes aren't that effective unless they are on
a per-user basis.  Of course, I'm honestly pretty new to multi-user
SA/Amavis, so this could be wrong.  

> There was a bug report about problems with message/partial:
> http://issues.apache.org/SpamAssassin/show_bug.cgi?id=5041
> It appears this has not been resolved. If you have samples of the mail
> that took a long time to scan it would be interesting to see if they
> they contained a message/partial component.
> If you are able to obtain one of the offending messages, it would be a
> good idea to see what happens when you manually feed it to
> spamassassin in debug mode.

When I have another spike I'll capture a message somehow and see what
happens.  Would a "postcat <path to message in spool> > message.txt"
give me an accurate dump of the entire message?

> I would think with 1GB RAM you could run two more
> $max_servers (with complimentary maxproc for the smtp-amavis transport
> in master.cf) which *may* give you 50% more throughput, but it does look
> like you are already pushing the CPU pretty hard right now so this may
> not necessarily improve things.

We've experimented with 2-8 max_servers and when we do spike it seems to
hit the box much harder with the more servers.  Once the spike is
unlocked things seem to process nicely.  

> Upgrading to SA 3.1.7 (from sarge-backports) is pretty simple (and it
> will catch a lot more spam than 3.0.3):
> http://www.freespamfilter.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=327
> but at the same time is a little more CPU intensive, so scan times
> will actually increase slightly overall (and your load average could
> increase also). Not necessarily going to solve the immediate problem.

Good to know, once I get the pause issue dealt wth I'll throw that
upgrade in.

> Do you have a lot of left over old amavis... temp directories in
> /var/lib/amavis?

Nope, only a couple in there.

> Is there any interesting warnings from amavis? Assuming you use $DO_SYSLOG = 
> 1;
> egrep -i "(trouble|can't|timed|error|preserving|failed|abort)" 
> /var/log/mail.log | grep amavis

Nada :(

Thanks for the suggestions Gary, I'll report back if I find anything in
the messages if/when we spike again.

Alan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://arcterex.net
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