On Fri, Jul 27, 2007 at 17:52:58 +0200, Mark Martinec wrote:
> >    The problem is that even though I properly limited the number of
> >    amavisd connections in amavisd-milter, amavisd does have a listen
> >    backlog (queuing of connecting clients) of maximum 5 clients. That
> >    is, if I have configured to use at most 10 amavisd processes and by
> >    chance 6 amavisd-milter processes try to establish a connection
> >    simultaneously, it will fail.
> I don't see why it would be 5. The program flow goes like:
> amavisd leaves Net::Server's option 'listen' at a default.
> Net::Server.pm turns undef into 128:
>   $prop->{listen} = Socket::SOMAXCONN()
>     unless defined($prop->{listen}) && $prop->{listen} =~ /^\d{1,3}$/;

Funnily enough, Socket::SOMAXCONN() returns 5 on Solaris, but I am
pretty sure that it is not the real limit. It probably comes from
SOMAXCONN in /usr/include/sys/socket.h, but I don't think that it is the
real limit. I have:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ndd /dev/tcp tcp_conn_req_max_q

Maybe Net::Server should be fixed instead? It probably would be even
better to fix Socket::SOMAXCONN... I don't know if there is a faster way
to find out the real SOMAXCONN than running ndd though. In the mean
time, it would be nice however to have a $listen_queue_size option in
Amavisd-new :-)


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