
> I guess it's better you don't use the mail_id field as a primary key: it
> may not be unique in your db. Think, in example, to messages sent to
> destinations defined as a list or an alias in your system.

Don't confuse mail_id with a Message-ID header.

mail_id is guaranteed by amavisd to be unique among all records
currently present in a database.

amavisd-new-2.3.0 release notes:

- introduce a concept of 'mail_id', which is similar to the am_id as reported
  in the log and elsewhere (e.g. 92598-11-5), but has much stronger long-term
  uniqueness property and can be used for the purpose of uniquely identifying
  a quarantined mail, or for other uses. The mail_id is a 12-character string
  consisting of characters [A-Za-z0-9+-] (like base64, except for a '/' being
  substituted by a '+'), guaranteed to start and to end with an alphanumeric
  character (i.e. not with '+' or '-'). It is derived by cryptographically
  strong method (MD5), cumulatively collecting entropy during the life of
  child processes, folding-in entropy from processed mail and other cheaply
  accessible sources, collected when an opportunity arises (e.g. file system
  file-IDs, SA results etc), without placing a burden on system sources of
  randomness (see RFC 4086). Note that MD5 has been demonstrated to have some
  weaknesses, but we are not talking about cryptographic attacks here, but
  rather about spreading messages which have no inherent intention of causing

  The mail_id carries 71.9 bits of information (subject to the quality of
  sources). For a high-end system that keeps a year's worth of mail messages
  in evidence (e.g. in quarantine) and receives 10e6 messages each day
  (20..200 TB of yearly mail contents), the probability of a mail_id
  collision happening during one year (while gradually displacing an entire
  collection with a new set of IDs) is n^2/m = 0.3 %
    (10e6 * 365)^2 / (62 * (64^(12-2)) * 62) = (10e6 * 365)^2 / 2^71.9 = 0.003
  Eventual clash is still possible and needs to be detected, but a re-tried
  mail delivery attempt is acceptable if its probability is low, as each mail
  processing rolls a dice again. On a smallish system receiving 10.000 mail
  messages daily an 8-character mail_id would suffice, but the savings are
  not worth the trouble of providing configuration flexibility.

  Paired with a mail_id there is its companion secret_id generated for each
  message, such that mail_id can be derived from secret_id and pairing checked,
  but not the other way around. The purpose of secret_id is not yet fully
  developed, but can serve as a 'ticket', granting user a right to release
  a quarantined message addressed to him.


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