Robert Brooks wrote:
> MrC wrote:
>>> Mark Martinec wrote:
>>>>>>> I mean something like this...
>>>>>>> Spam Score             -5      0       3      5     10     15
>>>>>>> Percentile            5.89%  12.59%  19.43% 24.81% 35.02% 50.37%
>>>> Seems like you want a frequency distribution: divide a score range
>>>> into arbitrary buckets, fill them by counts of messages falling into
>>>> each bucket, then at the end convert absolute counts to percents.
>> Exactly.
>> Robert Brooks wrote:
>>  > that would work too :)
>> I'll implement over the next couple of days - I'm currently swamped 
>> right now.  Thanks for the continued feedback.
> whilst I'm being a pain the Postfix reject figures don't show rejections 
> from before-queue amavis. Unfortunately Postfix doesn't seem to log this 
> well :(

I don't use a before-queue setup, and don't know what log entries you 
have.  Feel free to send the my way if you think there is any useful 
information there.  I can only report on information present in the log.


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