On 10/19/07, Voytek wrote:
> there is a section about having '[EMAIL PROTECTED] -> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ';
> is there a way to have [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s spam delivered to his IMAP 'spam'
> folder??
> --
> Voytek

To get amavisd-new to rewrite the address to user+spam, in amavisd.conf, set:
$recipient_delimiter = '+';
@addr_extension_spam_maps = ('spam');

And in main.cf, set:
recipient_delimiter = +

The addresses will be rewritten at tag2_level.

Once the address is rewritten, what software is used to get the mail
to a spam folder depends on what IMAP software you are using, whether
mail is stored locally or remotely and whether you are using maildir
or mbox. For example, if using Courier, you could configure maildrop
to place the mail in a maildir spam folder; if using dovecot, you
would use deliver.

I see you are using Courier with virtual domains:

"I have Postfix 2.4 and Courier IMAP/MySQL virtual domain
all my users are in MySQL, using Courier Authlib>authodaemond>mysql"

Or are you actually using virtual mailbox domains?

I once created a system (that I document at
http://www200.pair.com/mecham/spam/virtual.html) which uses a
maildroprc file to direct this mail to spam folders:

For settings that users can change, I used SquirrelMail with a patched
amavisnewsql-0.8.0-1.4 and a customized MySQL schema that allows for

This describes the system from a user's standpoint:

The document has not been thoroughly tested, is not well supported and
it may be difficult to extract only pieces that one might find useful.
It's geared more toward building a system from scratch. Still, if
nothing else, I think it shows that there may be a lot of work
involved in getting all the pieces together for a system like the one
you are seeking.

At the point someone desires to give users a web interface for
adjusting their own settings, I think one must also contemplate Maia
Mailguard, which is a replacement for amavisd-new. The only drawback
is that you will be missing functionalities contained in newer
versions of amavisd-new.


Gary V

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