Hello Mark, 

thank you for your reply.

> How do you load this policy bank? Through a "policy_bank=..." attribute
> in AM.PDP request?

No, the following is the only change in amavisd.conf, which leads to the 
error message. (but it works, apart from the sql part) 

$policy_bank{'SMTP_AUTH'} = {
   originating => 1,
   bypass_banned_checks_maps => [1],
   bypass_spam_checks_maps => [1],
   os_fingerprint_method => undef,

The policy works, i.e. authenticated users do not get spamchecked (Hits: - 
), same as with MYNETS policy. 

But I get the mysql error. I all works fine, if I do not use mysql. 

> This is a side effect of a previous error.
> > Jan  7 23:12:07 george3.eliot.priv.at /usr/sbin/amavisd[6313]: (06313)
> > (!)WARN save_info_preliminary: sql exec: err=, , Insecure dependency in
> > parameter 2 of DBI::st=HASH(0xad9e7b0)->bind_param method call while running
> > with -T switch at (eval 77) line 167, <GEN11> line 13.   
> I see. This is the root of a problem.
> Which version of Perl is that?

Name        : perl                        
Version     : 5.8.8                       
Release     : 10.el5_0.2
Vendor: CentOS

Hope this helps to find a cure!

Many thanks again, 


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