
Thanks for the info and I have to say I'm sorry i didn't manage to find 
it on my own.

I looked through the files and mans but find nothing about this.

Thank you.

En/na Noel Jones ha escrit:
> Jordi Moles wrote:
>> hi,
>> i've got 2 debian servers, one with postfix and the other one with 
>> amavisd-new running.
>> I've read a lot of examples about how to set up amavisd-new to filter 
>> emails that come from postfix.
>> The thing is that in amavisd.conf i have to put something like this:
>> $forward_method = 'smtp:[*]:10025';
>> i mean...
>> if i write:
>> $forward_method = 'smtp:[]:10025';
>> where is the postfix's ip address... it works fine.
>> But the idea is to have an amavis server that filters from many 
>> different servers.
>> How can i tell amavis to send the filtered mail to the ip address it 
>> came from?
>  From amavisd.conf-sample:
> # To make it possible for several hosts to share one content 
> checking daemon,
> # the IP address and/or the port number in $forward_method and 
> $notify_method
> # may be spacified as an asterisk. An asterisk in the 
> colon-separated
> # second field (host) will be replaced by the SMTP client peer 
> address,
> # An asterisk in the third field (tcp port) will be replaced 
> by the incoming
> # SMTP/LMTP session port number plus one. This obsoletes the 
> previously used
> # less flexible configuration parameter $relayhost_is_client. 
> An example:
> #   $forward_method = 'smtp:*:*'; $notify_method = 'smtp:*:10587';

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