On Jan 30, 2008, at 7:40 AM, Mark Martinec wrote:
> Sure, if you like it. All you have to do is assign an appropriate
> SQL clause in amavisd.conf to match the schema, e.g.:

I know.  I'm just trying to avoid differences from the stock  
databases when possible.  And I'm wondering what value the mailaddr  
table brings.  I don't see any.

>> After looking at the the tables, and testing repeatedly with some
>> sample datasets, it strikes me that amavisd should probably be doing
>> this.  The size of repeated data isn't large enough to cause a
>> problem, and dropping the join improves performance on both mysql and
>> postgres even with the larger tables.  I used 100k and 1mil table
>> sizes for my example with 100 entries per address, and it still came
>> out faster.
> How many entries are there normally in SQL based w/b lists?

My personal machine has 1k recipients, and this table is only ~280  

> Does a lookup take more than a few milliseconds?

On my machine, or in the tests?  The larger tests obviously take  
longer.  Without the join, however, it was always < 1sec no matter  
how big the table was.

> Whitelisting without additional checks (DKIM or SPF or IP -based)
> is too unreliable, and blacklisting needs should probably

Eh?  Let's save theory conversations for a different topic.  I just  
mean optimization of the existing tables.

> For basic automatic whitelisting the pen pals feature accomplishes
> this job quite well. All a user needs to do is communicate with
> the remote user, and replies are whitelisted (to some extent)
> automatically.

Most whitelist entries I have seen appear to be financial-services  
mailing lists.  (thus no two-way traffic)  No, I don't know why those  
are getting high scores.  Need to chat with the users.

>> Is there any reason that this change shouldn't be adopted by amavisd
>> in 2.6 ?
> Compatibility.
> A simple setting in amavisd.conf adapts it to a schema in use.

I'm worried about ongoing database changes.  I'd much rather have the  
amavisnewsql code using the stock tables.  That's why I'm asking  
about the value of the mailaddr table...

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

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