Hi all,

Running Sendmail/Amavis/Spamassassin/Dovecot on a couple of servers.  About
50% of the users prefer to be spoon-fed their SPAM in their inbox, for the
other 50% or so we've set up to sort their SPAM into an IMAP spam folder
using plussed addressing.

A number of users still use POP to access their mail and as such require a
"reminder" to log in to their webmail once in a while to clean up their spam

What I'm looking for is a way (script that I can run in a daily cron) to
scan each of these user's spam folder and produce a quick summary of the
mail therein (from, to, subject) and email them the result.  If it matters,
we will be migrating to likely a maildir format when we migrate to a new
server in the spring, but for now the IMAP folders are UW-mbox format (or is
that mbx, I can never remember which is which :-)

Can anyone recommend a script that could accomplish what I'm looking to do?

>>>>> Mike <<<<<


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