
> about delivery method - right now each DSN is sent
> directly by machine which scanned the message. Is there any way to do
> it like amavis does while passing message, that is to inject it to some
> machine at some specified port?

Yes, the $notify_method controls where notifications and DSN gets
forwarded - it is very much like $forward_method, which controls
where passed messages go. Both may be used in policy banks
to override a global setting.

> Also, one question - what is 'originating => 1' for? I dont want to
> treat those mails any specific way, I just want the policy bank to work
> in other way than default, not regarding if it is authorized mail, or
> relay, or from the net.

If you know that mail hitting a certain policy bank is guaranteed
to only originate from internal (or authenticated roaming) users,
you should set 'originating' to 1 in such policy bank.

The 'originating' property tells amavisd that a message is coming
from our own users, typically from inside. This property
is either set explicitly (typically in some policy banks),
or is set implicitly for backwards compatibility: if
client's IP address is known and matches @mynetworks_maps.

For certain decisions amavisd needs to know whether a message
is incoming, outgoing, or internal-to-internal:

            | originating | recipient in @local_domains_maps
internal:   |     Y       |   Y
outgoing:   |     Y       |   N
incoming:   |     N       |   Y
open-relay: |     N       |   N     (should not happen)

These decisions which need to know whether a message is
coming from our users for example are: pen pals, DKIM signing,
adding disclaimers, statistics (SNMP-like counters) and logging, ...


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