I'm VERY new to amavisd and have a question concerning integration with 

I've read through all of the information concerning the proper user to run 
as well as configuring both pieces to use the same socket file.  All is 
configured properly, and amavisd is handing off to Clamav just fine.

My problem comes in trying to duplicate the behavior of Clamav and 
clamav-milter.  We prefer to have anything identified as a virus from 
Clamav to be tagged as such and deleted.  What we are seeing in testing is 
a virus is identified and the result is placed in what appears to be a 
SpamAssassin header:

X-Spam-Status: No, score=-95.446 required=5
                  INVALID_DATE=1.76, MIME_BOUND_MANY_HEX=2.144, 

The "AV:Email.Stk.Gen597.Sanesecurity.07071901.pdf" indicates an SA score 
of 0.1.

If this is the way these two are supposed to be tied together, I only need 
to figure out which config file I can plug the AV scores to say 1000 and 
I'll be good.

Is this how it's supposed to work, and if so, where might I make this 
config change?


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