
> Apr  1 11:51:00 gateway amavis[2226]: (02226-01) (!!)TROUBLE in
> check_mail: main_log_entry FAILED: Malformed UTF-8 character (unexpected
> continuation byte 0xae, with no preceding start byte) in split at /usr/
> sbin/amavisd line 9492, <GEN11> line 324.

I assume you are using amavisd-new 2.5.4.
This is the first time this error has been reported.

> I assume this is because I am getting some malformed UTF-8 coming in (the
> mails appear to be a spam originating in Japan)
> However, Is there a way to either get amavis to process this correctly,
> or drop the mail?

> I am using perl-5.8.0-97.EL3 and perl-MailTools-1.77-1.el3.rf

You are a brave man running it under perl-5.8.0.

Is your locale set to UTF8 (command: 'locale').
If yes, try setting locale to 'C' in the process starting amavisd.

Are you assigning a non-default template to $log_templ in amavisd.conf?


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