Hello Guys,

    i have a postfix box with amavis. ALL messages passes through 
amavis, there's no exception for content_filter setting on postfix.

    i would like to have a full email report, which, intentionally, 
would give me for each message:

1) sender
2) recipient or recipients in case of CCs
3) subject
4) message size
5) name and mime-type of attachments, if present

    i have tried getting this from postfix logs, but i couldnt. i can 
have some header/body checks with WARNING and logs somethings, but my 
tries were completly wasted on trying to get all that information together.

    Question is ....

    i know amavisd have all this informations, some of them even easier 
than postfix, like name and mime-type of attachments, which can be seen 
on logs with log_level=2.

    would it be possible to have all these informations parsed from 
amavisd logs and presented in a easy way ? It can be a comma-delimited 
or tab-delimited text, no problem. I can convert it to HTML, the raw 
information would be enough.

    no problem if some log_level tweaking would be needed to acchieve 
this goal.



        Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
        Leonardo Rodrigues
        Solutti Tecnologia

        Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
        My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

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