I have a small filter app that adds a message header containing the 
message size both in bytes and as a string of asterisks (available here: 

It's a small C app that runs as a filter. It reads the message from 
stdin, prepends the above headers, then writes to stdout) Right now it 
runs as:

filter unix  -       n       n     -     -   pipe
        user=filter argv=/usr/bin/spamc -e /usr/sbin/ContentFilter -oi 
-f ${sender} ${recipient}

since I'm feeding spamassassin directly, however I'd like to switch to 
amavisd-new, which will then call spamassassin and the AV scanners.

Does anybody have any idea how I could get amavis to pass each message 
though the filter, regardless of whether or not it's spam or infected? I 
use it to hold/reject messages that exceed the size allowed by some 
downstream mail processing applications.



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