
> i see the following errors in mylog file:
>   "(!)Decoding of p007 (ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators)
>   failed, leaving it unpacked: do_ascii: timed out"
> it comes up, when processing a RAR archive (10MB) which contains two highly
> compressed .dxf CAD files (125MB and 26MB).
> unrar uf the archive works, but what does this error "do_ascii: timed
> out" mean? p007 is the 125MB .dxf file...
> can anyone enlighten this?
> how can this timeout be avoided?

do_ascii calls a perl module Convert::UUlib, which is
just a wrapper around uulib. I'm not surprised that this
library has problems with certain files.

amavisd sets a timer for each decoding operation,
which in case of do_ascii the timeout is set to two thirds
of remaining time as configured by $child_timeout (time in
seconds, commonly set to 8*60), which would yield about
5 minutes available to uulib decoding.

Your choices are either to increase $child_timeout (not
forgetting to also increase Postfix smtp_data_done_timeout
on smtp services feeding amavisd), or to completely disable
do_ascii, by removing or commenting-out references to
do_ascii in a @decoders list: 

  @decoders = (
#   ['asc',  \&Amavis::Unpackers::do_ascii],
#   ['uue',  \&Amavis::Unpackers::do_ascii],
#   ['hqx',  \&Amavis::Unpackers::do_ascii],
#   ['ync',  \&Amavis::Unpackers::do_ascii],

either in amavisd source, or by assigning a complete
replacement list to @decoders in amavisd.conf).
Btw, amavisd-new-2.6.2 disabled these three entries
by default.


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